Friday 21 June 2013

8. Snowball Effect

*Okay...So, I'm hoping to bring a little bit of drama to this fic in this chapter lol I just hope it's okay! :) I reeeaallly suck at writing more mature scenes lol it was probably a dumb decision to write a fic centred around this idea tbh -.- But oh well, I apologise if it was shit! Thanku so much for the comments on chapter 7!! :D*

Their taping was still in session. He'd started out with a feeling of urgency which, somehow turned into more of a passionate lovemaking scene rather than what he was aiming for. He didn't rush it though. Instead he took his time, showing her his love and making her feel the way she deserved to feel. The way Max could never make her feel. That being said, he did need to get the right footage for his tape. Thus, round two commenced after they'd laid side by side lovingly for an hour or so. Just exchanging kisses and uttering sweet sentences to one another. Things got a little more rough this time, something he knew she liked on the low.

Keeping the speed of his movement at a constant and steady pace, he continued to stroke in and out of her as she received each one of his thrusts with a throaty groan. He could feel the vibration of her grunts travel through his hand as he kept it wrapped securely around her neck. Her pulse quickening as her climax neared. He was being more rough than usual and feeling his body weight pressed firmly on to her back as his grip on her throat grew tighter was turning her on. The air being crushed out of her lungs whilst she lay on her front.

"Fuck. Oh God, Aubrey I'm gonna cum." Her words were only just breathed out with a struggle, his pace getting faster upon feeling her walls tighten around him.

"Cum with me." He was going deeper and harder than before, causing her face to scrunch up partly with pleasure and partly with pain. She was quiet for only a few seconds, the left side of her face being suffocated by the bed sheets. She could hear his groans of pleasure and her silence soon diminished when her body was thrown into a moment of pure bliss as she came. Her broken, high-pitched cries finished him off as he balled her hair up into his fist, pulling her head up as he filled her with his deposit. Her fifth and final orgasm still affecting her as he collapsed lightly on her back. His mouth was next to her right ear, his left hand now only lightly wrapped around her neck as she panted out in recovery. She could feel his heart beating rapidly through her back whilst he placed light kisses on her neck just below her lobe.

They stayed where they were for a while. Trying to regain enough energy to even speak. Finally feeling as though she needed air she shifted a little, telling him to move. He pulled out gently and lay next to her as she rolled on to her back. She looked completely spent.

"You okay?" His voice was rattly.

"Yeah." She smiled and nodded before grabbing his hand gently. "I'm fine, I just can't be assed gettin' up and goin' home now." Sighing miserably she rolled on to her side and studied their connected hands.

"I'ont want you to go either." He ran a finger over her flushed cheek. "But you wanna see Mica."

"Oh shit." She sat up quickly as she was reminded. "What time is it? I'm supposed to be on my way to my Mom's now." Flying off of the bed she started collecting her clothes in a hurry.

"I'll go start the shower." He stood up and started heading towards the bathroom.

"I don't have time, she's gonna start askin' questions." Looking flustered she started throwing her clothes on.

"What, so you're gonna go home to Max smellin' like another man? It'll take five minutes to rinse yourself off." He reasoned.

He was right and she knew it. Without another word she hopped in the shower and rinsed thoroughly before drying and re-dressing again.

"I'll call you-"

"No don't, I'll call you." She was talking, walking and pulling her coat on as she neared the front door. She was almost half an hour later than she'd told her Mom. Feeling his hand on her forearm she turned around to start talking irritably but he kissed her before she even got chance. It was one if those kisses that made her feel weak at the knees. One that was begging her to stay when she knew she couldn't.

Breaking the kiss he pulled back and wiped his thumb over her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." They just stared for a few seconds before she was snatched back to the cruel reality of life and stepped away, shutting the door quietly behind herself. She really couldn't keep doing this and it became even more evident as to why when she reached her Mom's house.


"Do you want something to eat before you go home?" Carol smiled warmly, trying to hide her growing concern.

"No thanks, I gotta get back."

"But Lani and Kelise are here, you don't stay for a while?"

"Mommy, honestly, I'm really tired I need to get Mica home and fed." She wrinkled her brow apologetically. "But this weekend is free, maybe we could come over for dinner?"

"That's a great idea and of course, I understand. I bet work was tiring." She folded the dish cloth in her hands. "You have a busy night tonight?"

Upon hearing that question Jelani stalled in the hallway, not wanting to walk in on a possible argument. Instead he stayed put, listening intently to their conversation. Nicki was lying through her teeth and he knew his Mother would begin to ask questions and make her feel on the spot. That always led to an explosive confrontation. Especially on Nicki's part.

"Yeah, yeah it was pretty full on." She nodded whilst avoiding eye contact.

"I'll bet." She chuckled. "You look exhausted."

"Mhm, I was rushed off my feet." Rubbing the back of her neck guiltily she was about to speak again but Carol beat her to it. Her voice was more accusative this time.

"You do know the restaurant was shut tonight, don't you?"

Her body froze and her mouth went dry. How the hell was she supposed to answer that? And she knew this was just the start. There was absolutely no trust in their relationship any more. They both felt it but mostly Nicki. There was this overwhelming sense of shame that hung over her like a cloud whenever her Mother was around and it bothered her deeply.

"W-what are you talkin' about? It's always busy on Fridays." She shook her head and tried to laugh it off but her lies were all catching up to her and fast.

"Onika, don't you dare stand there and lie to my face." She snarled and threw the cloth back into the sink. "Jelani told me. He said there was a shortage of kitchen staff, the place was closed for the night." Pausing for a second she moved closer to her daughter. "Why are you lying to me, Onika? Where were you, really?"

This was it. She could feel the years of pent up anger and unspoken feelings trying to pry their way out. The amount of blame, embarrassment and disappointment her Mother threw at her was damaging and now it was all coming to a head. Her lip curled with anger before she spoke. "I am not bout to stand here and be interrogated like I'm some sort of-"

"Some sort of what?" Her eyes widened as she cut her daughter off mid-sentence. "Some sort of criminal?  A drug addict?!"

"Recovering." She corrected her quickly, trying to remain calm but she could feel herself getting more and more worked up. "I'm a recovering addict, Mom."

She scoffed. "Once an addict, always an addict. You're going to be recovering for the rest of your life."

"Why are you always doing this to me?!" She yelled. "I've been clean for over a year, yet one thing happens that ain't even drug -related and you start firin' all this shit at me like ammo you've had stored up all these months!" Hitting her hand repeatedly against her other palm she felt the tears surfacing. "You always make me feel about this big!" Stepping closer to her Mother she motioned with her fingers. "Let me live in the present! Stop rakin' all this bullshit up from the past every time you've lost tabs on where I am and what I'm doing!"

On the other side of the door, Jelani could hear how upset she was becoming. He knew she was crying but that wouldn't stop his Mother. Sometimes they were one and the same. She would carry on like a machine until she got to the bottom of her daughter's whereabouts this evening. Whether Nicki was sobbing her heart out or not.

"It's going to take a lot longer than a few months to gain back our trust, Onika. Especially since it's not just you we're thinking about now." She stopped before speaking again more loudly. "There's a child involved in all of this! So, you can either tell me where you were tonight, or we can keep on going in circles like we are now." She shrugged emotionlessly having stated her ultimatum. Honestly, seeing her daughter stood before in such a painful state was heartbreaking but if her suspicions were correct and Nicki was using again, there was no way she was risking it.

"Y'know what? I'm not gon' stick around and put up with this. Especially not from you." She sniffled hard and tried wipe her tears away. "I thought you trusted me."

"I did and I do. But when you start lying and hiding things from us is when we start to suspect something is wrong!"

"What, so I can't have any part of my life be private any more?" She frowned harshly and stared her Mother down. "I suppose I should start spillin' now then. Whattya want to know first? Hm?" She laughed without any trace of humor showing.

Jelani was cringing with regret on the other side of the door. He wished he'd never opened his mouth now. His sister was hurting beyond words could describe and he could tell by only the cracking of her voice as she cried. It was moments like these which made him desperately worry about her relapsing.

"Don't be ridiculous, I never said that." Her Mother hissed.

"But it's what you meant though! You can't know where I am twenty-four seven, Mom! I'm an adult for God's sake!" Finishing off her rage-filled sentence she swiped violently at a glass on the table. Only the smashing could be heard as it made contact with the kitchen tiles. She was shaking with fury before her breathing ceased momentarily once she heard Mica's faint cries.

"I'm not gonna deal with this every time you question my sobriety! I need for you to trust me! But you don't! I need for you to stop blaming me and making me feel like such a let-down! You're the reason I'm the way that I am!" She shook her head tearfully, shocked at the words she just screamed at her own Mom. She needed to her it though. No doubt about it. All the angst from the last few years was finally surfacing, but she didn't feel better from this venting session. She felt horrible. Even more so when her Mother didn't respond and instead walked slowly over to the dustpan and brush as she started sweeping the glass shards up.

"Go home Onika."


"No, I don't want to hear your mouth right now. You've made yourself perfectly clear."

Dropping her hands by her sides defeatedly she folded her lips as she shook. The tears still running down her face. She was petrified of these kind of run-ins with her Mother. The last one had resulted in an almost fatal overdose when she was nineteen. If it wasn't for Jelani finding her she wouldn't even be here right now.

Pulling the kitchen door open she came face to face with her brother. Not uttering a word she pushed past him as she started crying harder, running up the stairs and straight to the spare room where Mica stayed. He was secured in Kelise's embrace as she tried to soothe him.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he won't stop crying." She looked worried. Even more so when she saw the state Nicki was in.

"He's hungry. I'mma take him home now." She held her arms out to take him but Kelise stayed stationary.

"Nicki, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just hand me my son so I can take him home, please?" Receiving a look that said "Don't test me" she decided to co-operate. As soon as Mica was in his Mother's arms her familiar scent comforted him and he calmed down almost instantly. Making sure he was secured against her body, she held him with one arm and grabbed his baby bag as she slung it over her shoulder.

She didn't say another word to Kelise as she stormed back down the stairs, her Mother was still sat solemnly in the kitchen and Jelani was obstructing the front door.


He held his arms out. "Not until you've calmed down."

"You got three seconds to move outta my way." Her nostrils flared.

"You not leavin' until you've simmered down, Nic." He tried to usher her back into the lounge room but his upper arm was met by her small, balled up fist.

"The fuck outta my way Jelani!"

The moment her voice and body language became hostile Mica began to squirm as he picked up on the bad energy his Mother was emitting. Jelani moved quickly to avoid being hit again and getting Mica caught between them.

He wanted to chase after her so badly. The memories of last time this happened still haunted him but he knew chasing her would just make things worse right now. Instead he watched her leave in an absolute state, the front door slamming before him as Kelise stood in shock on the stairs.

"Jay, what the hell happened?"

He breathed out slowly. "My Mom is what happened." Hitting the door frame in a moment of heightened temper he yelled out before rubbing his head and face. "I told her to just fuckin' leave it!"

"Leave what?" She approached him cautiously before resting a soft hand on his tatted arm. "Did somethin' go down with Nicki?"

He didn't respond and only looked at her sadly before he made his way back to the kitchen. He wanted answers.


She got home much quicker than she'd anticipated. How she managed to even make it with all the tears stinging at her eyes was a miracle in itself. Just sitting in the parked car once she'd entered the garage she cried for what felt like hours before Mica's grumbles brought her back to the moment. He was probably close to starving by now.

"Okay, we're goin' in now." She unbuckled herself as she cooed to her baby before getting out and removing him from his car seat. His diaper needed changing too. She tried hard to stop crying but it was as if the barrier was down for good and she couldn't stop. Her mind was completely clouded. Everything that was happening with Drake and now this argument with her Mother, she didn't know what to do or think. Right now she just wanted to lay in bed with her baby boy held close to her. He was the only one not causing her any grief or heartache at the moment.

Kicking the door shut with her foot she let the baby bag drop to the floor, readjusting Mica in her arms before heading to the stairs.

"Where've you been?" His deep voice made her jump. He was sat in the lounge-room, drink in hand and face looking stony as hell.

"Oh my God. Please, not you too." She shook her head, more tears coming loose. "I can't fucking deal with this right now, I'm going to bed."

"Answer the question, Onika." He leapt from the chair and followed her up the stairs when she ignored him. He wanted a confession and he would go to any length to get one. Nobody made a fool out of him. Especially not his damaged wife and a struggling camera-man with no apparent direction in life. He needed to hear her say it. That's all he wanted.

"I was working, Max! You already know that!" She immediately regretted yelling when their son started crying again. "Look, I'm tired, I'm fed up and I just wanna go to sleep." Sobbing her sentence out she tried to avoid his gaze before laying Mica on their bed. He didn't say anything and just kept staring at her.

"Since when did you start clockin' outta work at 12am, Nicki?"

"I was at my Mom's house for a while." She sniffled and pulled Mica's onsey open as she started undressing him.

"Y'all had a argument or somethin'?" His voice was softer now, making him less daunting to converse with. He was unpredictable and quite scary at the best of times.

"An argument? No." She bit her lip attempting to force the tears back as he approached her cautiously, aware of the distress she was in.

"What then?"

"It's nothin' I wanna talk about right now Max, please." Finally fixing Mica's clean diaper in place she picked him up and held his naked body to her chest as she moved through to his bedroom. Unfortunately Max was actually paying attention to her for once and followed her through. When he reached the doorway she was putting a sleep suit on him as he lay on his changing table.

"Doesn't seem like nothin'." He probed.

"Y'know, Max. Just the usual shit she dishes out to me."

"Whattya mean?" He stepped into the room, intrigued to hear what she had to say.

"You know damn well what I mean." There was a long pause whilst he thought.

"She ask you if you was usin' again?"

Receiving no response it only took him a second or two to notice her shoulders shuddering as her hand moved up to her face. To say she was completely beside herself with upset was a vast understatement. She was an emotional wreck.

It only worsened when she felt his strong arms pull her to him, holding her tight as she let it all out. It made her feel like shit. All the betrayal and the sneaking around behind his back yet here he was, comforting her as she had a mini meltdown in his grasp. Don't get him wrong, he hated what she was doing but at the end of the day he did still love her and she was the Mother of his child. Seeing her in such a way was a horrible thing to experience.

What was lurking around the corner however, would have him riled beyond comparison.


*Okay so I reeeaaallly struggled with this chapter because of all the dialogue and the opening scene ._.
lol I'm not a brilliant writer to begin with and dialogue is definitely not my strong point so I'm sorry if it was a mess :O Thanku to those who commented last chapter :D And I hope this was alright! :/*

Sunday 2 June 2013

7. Suppressed Fury

*First of all I wanna thank you guys sooo much for your comments, I never imagined people would actually like this. So I'm super thankful :) Also I plan on continuing this for a while so there will be drama and other issues cropping up but that's all part of a story, right? Lol anyway, I hope this is alright for you guys.*

Awaking the next morning, Nicki had half expected it to be still dark outside but instead the sun was shining brightly through her window. Sitting her self up she glanced over at the clock and blinked hard. Surely she must be seeing things. It was almost 10am. The latest Mica ever woke her was 7. She was dead set on flying out of the bed to check on him, but noticing Max's cases she relaxed figuring he was home. After dealing with her morning rituals she headed downstairs and found them in the kitchen. This really was a rare sight. Max cooking whilst Mica lay peacefully in his carrier seat.

"You got home last night?"

He jumped hearing her voice. "Yeah, I didn't wanna wake you." Shutting off the noise of the frying pan he lay the eggs and bacon on to two plates before setting them on the kitchen island and embracing her. "I missed you." He kissed on her neck lovingly before meeting her lips with his.

"I missed you too." Breaking the contact she hit his arm. "But I'm still mad at'chu for leavin' me with a Goddam note, Max."

"I know, baby. That was an asswipe move, I'm sorry."

She sighed and moved over to Mica. "You can make it up to me, I'll think of somethin'." Smiling sweetly she began removing Mica from the chair. "Why was he in there?"

"I had nowhere to put him while I was cookin'. I wanted to make you breakfast in bed. Y'know? To say sorry."

"I already told you, it's fine. Just don't do it again. I'ont want you runnin' 'round after me all week tryna apologise, Max. That shit gets real annoyin', real fast."

"A'ight, so let's call this my apology then." Motioning to the plates of food, she stared at them for a second before looking up at him as she tried to comfort Mica since he started to fuss.

"Sure." She smiled. "I'll just go lay him down."

"Don't be too long." He sang after her as she left.

She had no idea why but she couldn't hold back her tears. It was the weirdest sensation since usually something would initiate the crying. But there was nothing. The only thing she could think of was the fact that Max was home and she felt like everything that had happened whilst he was away would disappear. Like a cloud of smoke she wouldn't be able to catch and hold on to forever. Hearing Mica's grouchy grunt, she was pulled back to reality as she stood bouncing him lightly, just staring out of his window.


"You don't want your bacon?" His voice sounded utterly shocked as he picked up her plate to clear it away.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm not hungry."

"It's turkey bacon."

"Mhm, I know." She nodded and smiled, letting him know everything was alright. "I'm gonna go take a shower. If Mica wakes up, there's breast milk in the refrigerator." Getting down from the stool she headed towards the door when she heard him breathe in, ready to speak. But she beat him to it.

"Just sit the bottle in a cup of hot water, Max."

"Got it."

It seemed almost ridiculous that their baby was five months old now and Max still had no idea how to warm his milk. She shook her head angrily and muttered all the way up the stairs, the more she was in his presence the more tempted she was to leave this life and allow herself the happiness of being with the man she loved. But her fear was too overshadowing. Letting her mind go blank in the shower temporarily felt so good, the hot water falling over her body whilst she rinsed her hair. Wiping the suds from her eyes she frowned and looked around after feeling the cool air hitting her water-beaded body. Before she could anticipate it the shower door pulled open as Max stepped in.

"Max, what are you doing?" Trying to cover herself a little she let her eyes follow his frame as he got closer and closer.

"I'm takin' a shower with my wife." He leant down and kissed her, running his hands down her sides and bringing them to a halt once they reached her hips. "As long as she doesn''t mind?" He smiled lovingly.

"No, no of course not but I'm almost done."

"Good, 'cause I didn't need to shower anyway." He closed the gap between them again, pushing her gently up against the tiled wall as he drew her into another kiss, this time it was more urgent and before she knew it her tongue was wrestling his. He pulled away after only a few seconds, making her turn around. He always wanted it from behind.

"Max, I d-" Her voice ceased when she felt his hand reach around and start massaging between her legs. His erection was right there, she could feel it on her back as his lips made contact with the back of her neck. His actions were sensual, loving and affectionate but there was something missing. Feeling his other hand push down gently on her lower back, she took that as her cue to bend over some more, gripping as best she could at the slippery, tiles. The moment he entered her she just wanted it to end.

Of course, as soon as their shower round was over her wanted to start round two in the bedroom. He was completely spent, laying asleep next to her as she just let her mind run wild. She felt disgusting. This was exactly what she was talking about. Swapping between them was definitely not an option. She had to make a choice and soon. Her worries and thoughts stopped as soon as she heard a car rolling up the driveway, followed shortly by someone knocking at the door. Tying her robe as she rushed down the stairs she pulled her wet hair to one side, letting it drape over her right shoulder.

"Just a second." She made it to the door in a fluster, only to open in and see Drake stood before her. "Aubrey, what are you doin' here?" Her voice sounded quiet and surprised, usually he'd just walk in.

He scanned her appearance carefully, noticing the passion marks patterning the skin on her neck and upper chest. Marks not left by his touch. "Am I interruptin' somethin'?" Flaring his nostrils slightly he shifted before her.

"No, I just got outta the shower." She pulled her gown tighter around herself feeling the cold air. "Are you gonna come in or what?" Her mouth turned into a smile but he couldn't push away the angry feelings.

"I only came to get my camera." Walking past her into the house coldly he headed through to the kitchen with her following. "I'll let y'all get back to whatever you were doin' before I intruded."

"Aubrey, don't be like that."


"You're actin' all angry. I thought you were okay with this?" She lowered her voice and placed her hand on his arm. How was it that one simple and innocent gesture from her could calm him in an instant? That was a mystery he'd take to the grave.

"I know." He sighed heavily and leant against the counter. "So, he's home then?"

"He got back late last night." Crossing her arms over her chest she stood across from him and rested on the island. The fabric of her robe was pulled tight, letting him see she was bra-less. And it was cold. "How's your uncle?"

"Hm? Oh yeah." He shook his head in an attempt to remove the images of her naked body from his mind. "He's fine, thanks. Just a scare."


A silence fell upon them. Not an uncomfortable, screaming silence like the ones with Max. This was an empty and calm sort of quiet. One she'd only ever have with Drake.

"So, you're still on for tonight?" Reaching his hand up slowly he rubbed at the back of his neck, almost as if he was nervous about asking.

She paused whilst she tried to contemplate her answer. As much as she wanted to say no in order to stop this situation from getting any messier, she knew she couldn't. She was addicted.

"Yeah, what time?"

"Whenever you're ready." He smiled and moved over to where she was stood, trapping her between his body and the island counter top.

"Aubrey." Raising her hand she placed it gently in the middle of his chest and kept him at bay. "Max is right upstairs, stop it." Pushing him away gently she moved to the kettle and pushed the button down, only hearing him sigh as she did so. She knew his patience would soon start running out.

"Hey Drake, I ain't hear you get here." Both of theirs head jolted in the direction from which his voice came.

"Max, I didn't know you were up." She paused and looked back to Drake as he gave Max a nod to say 'Hello'. "He just came to pick up his camera, have you seen it anywhere?"

"This it?" He raised his hand, the camera resting gently in his palm. No words were spoken as Nicki's heart moved up to her throat. The fear taking over her mind. What if he'd seen what was on there?

"Yeah, yeah that's it. Thanks man." Drake saved the situation from becoming awkward and took the camera, smiling back at Max as he just did the same.

"No problem. Found it upstairs on the nightstand." He entered the kitchen some more and took a seat at the breakfast bar. Now the excuses began.

"Yeah, he let me borrow it yesterday. I was filming Mica." Playing with her hands nervously she moved her attention back to her husband. "Your parents wanted me to send over some videos of him."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." He chuckled lightly. "Mom got an iPhone last week anyway, we can prolly try and facetime her instead."

"Oh, good. That saves me the hassle then." She folded her lips and made eye contact with Drake when Max turned his attention to the paper as he began to read. They were sharing a silent conversation with their eyes which was quickly turning into more of an argument, Drake backed down first.

"Anyhow, I got a lotta shit to get on with today. Thanks for this and I'll see y'all later."

"No worries."

"I'll walk you out." Glancing quickly back at Max as she closed the kitchen door she felt relieved when she noticed his face was stuck back in the paper.

"You left your fucking camera in our bedroom!" Her hushed yell matched her angry face as she stared him down in the front doorway.

"I forgot, Nicki. Soon as I heard about my uncle I just left. I didn't think." He studied her expression as he spoke, her hand gliding up her forehead and over her hair as she exhaled.

"Please, just be more careful?"

"It was a one off. I'm sorry." Leaning down quickly he stole a kiss from her lips, he knew she wasn't mad anymore by the way she melted into him, kissing him back before she pulled away.

"I'll see you tonight."

"Lookin' forward to it." Giving her a little smirk he tapped his camera and walked backwards a few steps before turning and getting in his car. No matter how close he liked to call things and how on edge she sometimes felt because of that, she could never not want him. She bit her lip and watched him head out of the driveway, her mind wandering back to how good he made her feel. Had she just made her decision?

"He still on all that filmin' shit?" He didn't even move his eyes from the paper as she re-entered the room.

"It's his profession, Max. Why you gotta make it sound like some dumb fantasy he's chasin' after?" She curled her lip and splashed some milk into her coffee.

"Aye, calm down. I was just askin'." He turned the page. "You workin' tonight?"

"Yeah. Just a couple hours, clearin' up tables. Why?"

"Y'know, you don't have to feel as though you gotta contribute to earnin' any money, Nic. Mica needs you here. I can bring home the bacon."

"That's not why I work, Max." Turning to face him irritably she held her coffee cup close, sipping at it between words. "Sometimes it's just nice to step away from the 'Mommy' routine for a lil' bit. Maybe you could spend the time with our son tonight? Since you're off work."

"Can't. I gotta go down to the office and sort through some papers." He folded the paper and sat it back on the counter. "But how about tomorrow night, the three of us stay home and do stuff together? Y'know, as a family?"

"Really?" She looked shocked. The anger she'd initially started to feel was over-ridden by surprise.

"Yeah, why not? It's been a while since we had any time together." He stood up and moved towards her.

You promise you're not gonna bail last minute?"

"I promise." He let his hands snake around her waist, burying his face in her neck once again. Now her mind really was beginning to feel torn. Her heart wasn't though. Her heart yearned only for Drake but right now she was trying to think of Mica and what was best for him. Unfortunately it didn't seem to be best for her.


"I'll be finished around eleven, that okay?" She looked hopeful as her Mother secured Mica in her arms and rocked him gently.

"The longer I get to spend with my grandbaby, the better." She kissed his little head affectionately before smiling at her. "Just don't be working yourself too hard, Nika."

"I won't." She smiled gratefully even though she felt a rush of guilt wash over her. She was pawning her own baby off on her Mother so she could go and spend some time in the bedroom with the man she was having an affair with. Thinking of it like that made her feel so small but she managed to pull herself back to the moment. "Anyway, his bottles are in his bag and his blanket is in there too. I'll call you when I finish." She leant forward and kissed her baby's head sweetly before pecking her Mother's cheek. "Thanks, Mom."

"It's not a problem, Onika." She smiled and pushed her out of the door. "Now go, you're going to be late."

The whole ride to Drake's apartment, her mind was trying to process all the sneaking and the lying that was occurring in order to keep this dirty little secret hidden. It could only be so long before she'd get caught up in her own web of deceit. As soon as she arrived at his apartment block she tried to run away from her mind and her conscience, speedily walking to the buzzer. He let her up immediately.

"Hey, I thought you weren't gonna show for a minute."

She didn't answer him as she took a seat on the bed in the basement and shrugged out of her coat. "Sorry, I had to wait 'til Max had gone to the office."

"But he knows you're out, right?" He sat down next to her.

"Yeah, he thinks I'm workin'."

"And Mica?"

"I just dropped him off with my Mom." She wasn't making eye contact, prompting him to touch her leg.

"Nic? You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem it." He paused whilst caressing her thigh lovingly. "It's about us, isn't it?"

There was a loud and ugly silence before her voice cracked. "No. It's not us, Aubrey. I just......After what nearly happened today I'ont know how much longer I can keep this up, y'know? It was okay before, it was just sex but now..." She trailed off. "It seems so much more wrong."

"It's wrong for you to have shown your true feelin's?" His hand squeezed at her thigh. "Do you love me?" She nodded, but it wasn't enough. "Say it out loud. I wanna hear you say it, Nicki."

"I love you." The minor hesitation didn't worry him, for she easily uttered the words.

"And I love you too." He kissed her lightly and although it was small, it had so much more meaning to it than any one of Max's kisses.

That light kiss soon turned into more light kisses which then somehow transpired into a violent liplock. Her hand gripping tightly at the back of his neck as she pulled him as close to her as she could. Their breathing was laboured as both of them struggled for air. He pulled away first, moving back just enough to stare into her eyes.

"You sure about this then?"

"Roll the tape."

He didn't need to be told twice. Kissing her again he stood up and moved over to the tripod and started sorting things out. This was the first time she'd really felt nervous about any of this. She stayed sat on the bed, waiting for him to move over to her again.

"You gonna get undressed?" Positioned behind the video camera he studied her closely. The want in her eyes matched his.

"Not by myself." She smirked. "You undress me." He was over at the bed in a flash. Tearing her shirt up over her head and tossing the clothing to the side before resting his hands over her bra cups as he felt on her.

"Damn, you look so good." Pushing her back gently he moved down to her jeans and undid them before sliding them over her thighs. He was in a rush and the way he was handling her with so much urgency was turning her on. Now laying in only her underwear she could feel the anticipation building as he played with the hem of her thong.

"Please, Aubrey." She moaned out and grabbed his hand to stop it from pulling away. He knew she wanted it bad, as did he, but teasing her was too much fun. He moved his hands to rest on either side of her hips, lowering his head down slowly he used his teeth and tugged at the material covering his destination. Removing them completely with his mouth, he tossed her underwear to the side as they joined the rest of her clothes. Her bra was the last to leave her body. Hearing just how heavily she was breathing made him even more determined to give her more than he'd ever given before. Her soft moans mixed in with her panting were just the result of his hands gliding over her chest and abdomen, once again stopping when he reached the place she wanted him to go. First she'd have to be begging for it.

Back at Mama Carol's house, it was the complete opposite and things were settling down for the night. Fortunately for her, Jelani and Kelise had paid her a visit to keep her company.

"You sure you don't want anythin' to eat or drink?"

"No we're fine thanks, Carol." Kelise smiled up at her before returning her focus to Mica who was laying fast asleep in her arms. "He's so cute. I can't believe it's been five months already. It feels like only yesterday we was vistin' him in hospital." She cooed over him and held his tiny hand up.

"I know, he's grown so fast." Jelani smiled. "How's Nic doin'?"

"She's doing great. She's going to be  finished work in a couple hours, you should stay and say hello."

"She's workin'?"

"Yeah, she's down at the restaurant." As his Mother spoke Jelani looked across at Kelise and frowned. "What is it?"

"Well, we just been past the restaurant and it was shut. It's been closed all day, not enough kitchen staff."

"No, that can't be right. She told me she was clearing tables."

"Ma, I'm tellin' you that restaurant was completely unoccupied."

"He's right Carol. It looked dead in there." Kelise nodded and got to her feet. "You want me to go lay him down?"

"Yes, please." Kelise took this opportunity to leave and let them talk in private.

"Where in God's name is she then?" Her voice was full of panic and worry.

"Look, maybe she wasn't told it was closed." He looked hopefully at her and nodded. "She might even be on her way back here now. We gotta relax a lil' bit, let her know that we have faith in her. Okay?"

"I know what you're saying and I'm not trying to accuse her of anything but we have to be careful, Jelani." She widened her eyes. "I can't help but think back on all the times we almost lost her, I never want to have to see her like that again!" Carol's outburst had her close to tears as Jelani stood to comfort her.

"Do you think she'd ever consider doin' somethin' that could possibly harm her child?"

"She would never-"

"Well, there you go then. We have to believe in her, Ma. We have to trust her."


The papers and figures were becoming increasingly more difficult to concentrate on. The fury within his being was bubbling, but not yet overflowing. He was stewing on his thoughts. The disgust was riddling his mind, yet he couldn't stop replaying what he'd seen. Drake and Nicki. Under his roof. He shook his head and slammed is laptop shut. Images of his hands running all over her body, his mouth on her skin as he pleasured her. They just wouldn't leave him alone. But what was most infuriating to him was the fact that he had satisfied his wife better than he ever could.


*I hopeeee this was alright for you guys :) Thanku so much for all the previous comments and I'm gonna try and post on Frozen and Sweet Dreams today too ^.^*